Horror Reno Stories Ep 7

Sometimes, it gets a bit ridiculous.

Watch our tiktok video on this if you lazy to read.

This was shared by one of our main contractor partner.

Main contractors occasionally take up jobs from IDs. This means that the IDs, upon signing the contract with the homeowner, will pass it to a main contractor, who will in turn liaise with the sub-contractors.

Of course, this means that the renovation cost is higher than required. But, this arrangement is common in the industry.

However, do you know that sometimes there will be two IDs in the picture?

So, there was ID1 from company 1 with 10 years of experience whom this homeowner signed with. ID1 was busy, so he farmed it out to ID2 from company 2, who had 3 years of experience, to deal with the homeowner.

Now, our main contractor required the drawings and measurements, in order to know how to renovate the house. This was especially so for carpentry, as it requires exact measurements and requirements. Getting it wrong is extremely costly.

So the convo went:

Main Con (MC) : Where are the drawings and measurements?

ID2: I don’t have it, can you ask ID1?

—- MC proceeds to find ID1 —-

MC: Where are the drawings and measurements?

ID1: Don’t know leh, can you go ask the homeowner directly?

—- MC proceeds to engage homeowner, who gave him everything quickly —-

Now, the most frustrating thing is, why do I then need to have 2 IDs, when none of them are doing their job!!

They literally sit on their chair and collect money, while the hard work is being done by my main contractor.

This lack of attitude is the real reason why there are so many black sheep in the industry. Many people eye the money, but how many will actually put in the effort to deliver what is required?

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Be nice to your IDs/contractors, for your own sake