Ask reno questions in our telegram group
In our past 2 years, we realised that there are TONS (legit!) of questions that every homeowner will have during the renovation process, but nowhere to get answers.
“My ID tells me that this workmanship is okay but looks quite cui leh”
“Is tiling supposed to be done like that?”
“Is this quotation fair or like exorbitant?”
Of course, you can ask your ID. But sometimes you don’t know if your ID is trying to smoke you.
Or actually, you are seeing if your ID is smoking you.
Join our telegram channel here and get your questions answered!
We have created this telegram platform channel for homeowners, as we seek to build a reliable and fair community for renovation.
You may:
Ask questions
Get exclusive renovation lobangs
Submit anonymous reviews (especially for shitty IDs)
Be kaypoh
You may not:
Use this platform to tout business
Join our telegram channel by:
Scanning the QR code below
Using our invite link here
Searching our handle: @deconstructsg
Source: Deconstruct
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