Samples Can 100% Differ From Actual Look

When it comes to choosing colours of materials, whether it’s laminate, vinyl, countertop etc, you’ve probably flipped through countless catalogues and sample boards.

But those small samples can be 100% damn misleading.

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Take a look at this small vinyl sample and the actual big slab of vinyl when it’s all joined together.

At first glance, they look pretty similar.

When we place the small sample over it, we can also tell that they are the same.

But here’s where it gets tricky.

Look at this other small sample and the actual big slab of vinyl when it’s all joined together.

It looks totally different right?

But surprise surprise

When we put the small sample over the big slab, they’re actually the same!

The reason is because your eyes can play tricks on you, especially when you’re looking at a tiny sample versus a full-sized slab:

  • The pattern, colour, and texture can look completely different when scaled up.

  • These also change under different types of lighting (3k comfy light, 4k natural light, 6k white light)

  • Likewise, relying on photos taken by camera subject it to natural enhancement, removing the actual look

More often than not, the colour gets deeper and the pattern gets more magnified (not for all cases). Meaning, a light brown colour will turn “browner”, and a small “veiny” pattern becomes much more “veiny” in reality.

That’s why relying solely on those little samples can lead to some serious disappointment when installed, especially for those who prioritise the colour combination in the house.

So here’s the golden rule: always go down to the showroom and see the big slab in person.

Seeing the full-sized product is the only way to get a true sense of what it’ll look like in your space.

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