Horror Reno Stories Ep 4

It is easy to always point the fingers at IDs & contractors, and rightly so in many cases.

But wanted to also share the other side of the story which is less heard of.

Sometimes, homeowners can be the problem.

Watch our tiktok video on this if you lazy to read.

There was this homeowner, called P, who demanded that her ID replaced all her tiles, as it was (1) not laid properly (2) had some stains.

Of course, the ID refused, and thus P got another ID in to be a “judge”.

So, you can see the sample tile, and the laid tiles in the image below.

Everything looks pretty fine ya?

Then we show you another zoom-ed in photo (as though you doing push-ups on the floor).

Are you able to tell where the problem is? Can’t right… and this is when you are looking super close to the ground already.

Even when the “stain” was circled, you can hardly tell that there’s one, if any, in the first place.

The manufacturer of the tile was also called in, and the person confirmed that the tiles were not in defect.

Due to this “defect”, payment was not done, and the case subsequently cascaded upwards to the small claims tribunal court.

While this was a 3rd hand recount, many IDs & contractors do face their fair share of problems with homeowners, especially those “overly perfectionist” ones.

Our house is our castle, and of course every part of the renovation should be done properly.

Let’s all work together to have an awesome renovation experience for everyone!

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