Horror Reno Stories Ep 2

We will share one of the worst renovation stories we have ever heard from homeowners today. And this incident happened less than a year ago.

Watch our tiktok video on this if you lazy to read.

There was this “Ah Beng” who bought a 3G BTO house for his family. As that period was close to CNY, nobody could promise to deliver before that, except this guy called “Yon”, hence Ah Beng decided to go with Yon.

Before the renovation, there were plenty of red flags already. Yon claimed that he could do everything without hesitation.

The biggest red flat was, when Yon quoted the cost to Ah Beng, Yon just wrote like “$X” on a blank piece of paper.

Not even a proper quotation was done?? So typically, renovation firms will give you a line-by-line breakdown of the cost, but Yon didn’t even do that.

Ah Beng then had to personally write down the items line-by-line in the contract, and get Yon to sign, as Ah Beng was feeling doubtful already, but he wanted the house done before CNY.

Yon signed and the renovation started.

And it was a total mess.

So in the renovation industry, these IDs/main contractors might outsource certain parts of the renovation to sub-contractors.

And that’s what Yon did.

A few days into the renovation, the sub-contractors stopped working??

When Ah Beng asked them, they shared that Yon owes them money from previous & current project, so why should they continue to do?

Then Ah Beng started calling Yon, but Yon became uncontactable. And Ah Beng also had already paid a significant portion of his $100k renovation to Yon.

Panicking, he asked the sub-contractors to continue. But, obviously they didn’t.

Then Ah Beng had to contact other sub-contractors to complete (more like restart) his home renovation which were all incomplete.

And the renovation that was supposed to complete “before CNY”, only completed 3 months after CNY.

Ah Beng told us that there were 4 other people living in this area that renovated with Yon, and all had similar experience, where Yon basically ran away, became uncontactable and how frustrating the entire process was.

Renovation experiences can really be terrible - our first horror story shared was bad enough, this certainly got to be one of the worst of all.

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