Understand your renovation quotation [part 2 of 4]

Make sure every single thing is in black and white. This seems obvious, but this is the most important safeguard for you.

Watch our tiktok video on this if you lazy to read.

We really mean, every single thing.

Either make sure it is (i) captured in a whatsapp screenshot (before they delete), or (ii) within the renovation quotation.

Never, ever, believe the “bro, don’t worry, this I do for you for free”, unless it is written down.

No renovation is perfect. One key cause is because of differing impression of what the works should be. Homeowner thinks it should be this, but the designer/contractor thinks it should be that.

This is a real incident that happened.

The customer requested to use "solid birch plywood” for their carpentry, instead of the standard “solid plywood”, as it is more durable.

Fast-forward to couple of days before the fabrication, the customer confirmed with the designer that “solid birch" plywood” would be used. The designer was taken aback, as they have all along only used “solid plywood”.

Within the quotation, only “solid plywood” was written.

There was no other correspondence or written proof to show that “solid birch plywood” was agreed upon.

Obviously, there was then a large dispute.

However, without any of these written proof, the designer can’t be faulted, and the homeowner can’t do anything.

Hence, if there is anything that the designer or contractor promised at that point in time, make sure you get their concurrence in black and white.

As one of our colleague always says, “trust but verify”.

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Understand your renovation quotation [part 3 of 4]


Understand your renovation quotation [part 1 of 4]