Not all IDs will oversee your renovation end-to-end

Think again, if you think the ID/contractor that you signed with will oversee your house’s renovation end-to-end

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Often, when we have selected which ID to go with, we assume that that ID will automatically handle your home renovation during those two months.

But that is definitely an assumption in today’s market.

Sometimes, ID firms, pass the execution to a project manager to handle.

There are two reasons for such arrangement.

One, efficiency, where the IDs concentrate of closing clients, while the project manager concentrates on executing the house renovation.

Two, training, where younger IDs shadow the more experienced ones and learn from the process.

Ideally, if both ID and project manager are capable and can communicate effectively, this won’t be an issue.

But of course, that’s a big if.

Many times, homeowners only learn that they are dealing with someone else after they have signed the contract and before the renovation works. Not surprising, this ends up as a key source of frustration for homeowners.

If you want to work with the same person throughout, make sure you clarify this before you sign. Communication is extremely underrated in the renovation process. Just because you can click with the ID does not mean you can click with the project manager.

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