How often should your ID update you?

Ideally, weekly and without fail.

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Project management is a key part of renovation. What expectations should homeowners have when it comes to receiving updates from their IDs?

We believe a fair expectation is for IDs to provide weekly updates, and on a consistent basis.

Not daily updates, nor bi-weekly/monthly updates.

1) We do not advocate daily updates because it is way too tedious.

On average, an ID handles about 3-4 projects concurrently. On top of this, they need to cater time for prospective homeowners, such that their project flow continues even after one has completed.

Furthermore, due to logistics arrangement required to schedule the various workers, works do not carry on consistently every day. Hence, there might not be daily works for any renovation.

A common schedule for IDs is to cater 1 day a week to go down on-site for all houses, and other adhoc timings for issues that surface.

2) We also do not advocate updates that take longer than a week.

IDs are paid to project manage.

On average, a renovation takes 8-12 weeks to complete. An update per week does not seem too inhumane.

If updates take too long, IDs might take advantage to be more lax in their project delivery, putting homeowners at unnecessary jeopardy.

3) Closer to the completion date, IDs are expected to update more frequently.

Towards the end, IDs need to handover the house in good condition. This also means clearing up the “loose ends” such as the touch-up works.

Misalignment in this expectation often results in unhappy renovation experience for many.

Hopefully this helps to set the right expectations for both IDs and homeowners, so that both are not misrepresented in any way!

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