ALL LOBANGS for your new home

Introducing our new BIG Lobangs page on our website.

Watch our tiktok channel if you lazy to read.

Really, everything you need for your new home and reno lobangs - check them here

In renovation, for sure there are 1001 suppliers, many auxiliary renovation items (eg. curtains, aircon), and many new and funky things in the market (eg. limewash/ pet screens). Sometimes its very hard to keep up, and very hard to find the reliable ones!

Just like how we vet our IDs, we have curated reliable lobangs for all homeowners to enjoy significant cost-savings.

Every interesting or useful service/product, we will consolidate them into this page! So remember to bookmark it!

We have split them into 2 categories:

  • BIG Lobangs - savings of 4-digits and above! (i.e. easily save >$1,000)

  • Other Lobangs - savings of 3-digits and above! (i.e. easily save >$100)

BIG Lobangs, as the name suggests, are for BIG savings.

For now, we have 3 deals which fit our definition of potentially >$1,000 in savings (i.e. vinyl groupbuy, mortgage home loan, new TOP condo reno bundle).

If you click into the Other Lobangs section, you will find many other exclusive lobangs with minimum 3-digit cost savings! These include defect checkers, curtains, aircon, limewash etc. Basically anything you need for your home. 

We spent one year making sure these deals are reliable and reasonable, so you can safely share these good lobangs with your friends and family!

This is our promise - we will create a reliable renovation ecosystem for homeowners!

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“Multiple legal claims filed against interior design firm for unfinished homes, overdue payments”


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