Life lessons & stories from contractors

During renovation, we often care about the aesthetics of the house and whether the contractors did it right.

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Sometimes, its worthwhile to have a chat with the contractors when they are doing your house. All of them have interesting life lessons, rants and funny stories to tell. Many of us come from white collar jobs, and it can be quite introspective to hear directly from people from other walks of life.

Sharing just two funny stories for laughs, directly from one of our (good) carpenter!

Story 1: Homeowner insists contractor must give design

Ah Pek contractor: “What cabinet do you want me to install ah?”  

Customer: “Aren’t you the contractor? Why never help me design?”

Ah Pek contractor: “I design? I not ID leh I’m contractor. This one is like going to geylang find prostitute but must be virgin leh.”

Story 2: Homeowner asks why so expensive when fairly priced

Customer: “Eh why nowadays reno so expensive ah? Last time not so expensive leh.”

Ah Pek contractor: Last time police wear shorts, now they wear long pants. I don’t see you questioning them? Why you never go police station ask them?


These are just funny examples. Sometimes they will share about their life, the difficulties of the job, or tips for you that you otherwise won’t know about.

So if you see an ah pek contractor at your reno site, spend some time to have a chat with them! It will be worth your time!

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